Smokeless Tobacco – A Guide for Quitting

Are you a dipper? Are you thinking of quitting?


This guide will help you plan in quitting dip or chew. This is where you can get great advice from dippers and chewers who have canned that habit.

Harmful Effects of Smokeless Tobacco

>Gum Recession
>Abrasion of teeth
>Leukoplakia (white patch that develops in the mouth)
>Cancer of the mouth, throat and tongue

Recent study shows that smokeless tobacco may cause problems beyond the mouth.

Aside from health-related reasons, dipping or chewing is expensive, is it worth it? Of course not, you are spending money to destroy your own body.  Another question is, can you smile at people? Look at your teeth, have you noticed something?  Well, one thing's for sure, brushing your teeth won't make that stain go away.

Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine is the known addictive substance found in tobacco.

You are addicted to it when:

> You dip more often and in different places.
> You've switched to stronger products with more nicotine. ( there are many herbal chews with nicotine and without)
> You sometimes sleep with dip or chew in your mouth.
> You take your first dip or chew first thing in the morning.
> It's difficult to go more than a few hours without dip or chew.
> You have strong cravings when you go without dip or chew.
> You dip or chew even when you're sick.

Learn More about Tobacco

  • Smokeless tobacco is harmful to your health. If you think smokeless is safer, then think again, smokeless tobacco is still made up of tobacco which is chewed, sucked on or sniffed, rather than smoked.
  • Good dental care does not lessen the harmful effects of using dip or chew. You cannot stop the damage it does to your mouth.
  • Smokeless tobacco has higher amounts of nicotine than cigarettes.
  • It doesn't help you perform better, you may have read somewhere that it improves athletic performance but that is not true, there’s no proof to it. 
  • If you think quitting is easy, think twice, nicotine addiction makes quitting difficult. There is a process that you have to go through.

How to Quit?

You have to find your own reason of quitting. It has to come from you, think of the things which you don't like about dipping and chewing.

When you're ready, take a week or two before quitting, consult your doctor and do it slowly but surely, cut back before you quit.

Join a Community

There are many communities out there for those looking to stop chewing tobacco but need a little support. We recommend getting started with the easy to use question and answer forum at There are also many other forums and possibly one in your local area for those suffering from nicotine addiction.

It's a Date!

The day has come, your quit day, can you do it? Yes you can! Believe in yourself. Talk your colleagues, friends and family. It is very important that you have your support system.

Now, get some mints, hard candies or sunflower seeds and use them whenever you feel like dipping or chewing. Get a life and be active.

After a Week

Are you coping with withdrawal? Be patient, you were able to do it for a week, breathe and keep yourself motivated.

Eat regular meals and make sure you add fiber to your diet. Drink 8 glasses of water each day and exercise.

After Two Weeks

Always remember the reasons why you decided to quit? If you feel like losing the game, then go back to basics.

Be proud!

Congratulations! The worst part is over. Things will be easier. Do the things which helped you quit, keep up your guard and try not to slip. If you slip, pick up right where you left off and then make a promise to yourself never to take another dip or chew again.

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